Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Self Portraits - Shane Style

For years now I have taken to turning the camera around and snapping pics of myself whenever someone hands me a camera to take their photo. It all started as a raft guide when guests would give me their camera to take their photos. While they were busying themselves with getting ready for the photo I would turn it on myself and take a quick shot. I've never gotten any of them back though. This is what most of them must look like, although with much nicer backgrounds I'm sure!
I do still carry on the tradition in the House Chamber when a parent or someone hands me their camera for a shot with the delegates. If anyone has one of these photos please leave me a comment and let me know, I would love to do a post of any I receive!

1 comment:

Scott Mitchell said...

Raft guides are always interesting people. It always helps for those slow periods along the lower new.