I was out on a rainy Sunday for insurance photos and found this old restored Studabaker. I'm not into cars that much, but you just can't help but photograph the old cars. This was a cool car.
So my car broke down last week and being unable to find anyone who was home at the time I walked home. It was only a couple of miles, for a change, and it just happened to be lunchtime AND Skeenies just happened to be on the way home. I was lugging home about 15 pounds of cameras and lenses so I wouldn't have to leave them in the car and snapped this photo of the Skeenies Boy. Hear more about Skeenies on the WV Hot Dog Blog.
A photographer in Charleston, WV, specializing in weddings and environmental portraits. This is a collection of fun images I find on the road, on a project, or just at home.